Quant Trading

Quant Trading news and articles

High-frequency trading (HFT) uses computer algorithms to make trading decisions in short time scales (e.g., second-level), which is widely used in the Cryptocurrency (Crypto) market (e.g., Bitcoin). Reinforcement learning (RL) in financial research has shown stellar performance on many quantitative trading tasks. However, most methods focus on low-frequency trading, e.g., day-level, which cannot be directly applied to HFT because of two challenges. First, RL for HFT involves dealing with extreme...

Keywords: quantitative trading, reinforcement learning, quant,
There are multiple sources of financial news online which influence market movements and trader's decisions. This highlights the need for accurate sentiment analysis, in addition to having appropriate algorithmic trading techniques, to arrive at better informed trading decisions. Standard lexicon based sentiment approaches have demonstrated their power in aiding financial decisions. However, they are known to suffer from issues related to context sensitivity and word ordering. Large Language Mod...

Keywords: algorithmic trading, analysis
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has revolutionized quantitative finance by achieving decent performance without significant human expert knowledge. Despite its achievements, we observe that the current state-of-the-art DRL models are still ineffective in identifying the market trend, causing them to miss good trading opportunities or suffer from large drawdowns when encountering market crashes. To tackle this limitation, a natural idea is to embed human expert knowledge regarding the market tr...

Keywords: quant, reinforcement learning
The number one question get from readers is how to find systematic trading strategies. Most people ask How can compete with the big hedge funds They think if an idea exists, theres no money left to be made. Thats not exactly true. Developing strateg...

Keywords: python, machine learning, test, algorithmic
Themenschwerpunkte und MedienpartnerschaftenVide So produziert Xiaomi sein ElektroautoEin Clip gewhrt Einblicke in die Hyperfactory. Vieles erinnert dabei an Tesla.Als angefangen hat, den globalen Markt mit seinen Smartphones zu erobern, bediente s...

Keywords: ...
ValueZone has become top choice in the cryptocurrency market for its array of tools designed with the goal of simplifying trading. This review will explore its comprehensive review, and main features, such as automated trading bots, plans and pricing...

Keywords: algorithms, ai , ios, mobile
Hello My name is Austin and Im software engineer and soloprenuer passionate about Artificial Intelligence and Finance. implemented an algorithm thats capable of generating population of algorithmic trading strategies that are better than the origina...

Keywords: test, metric, optimization, algorithmic trading
In significant development in the cryptocurrency sector, the Wahoo Exchange platform has officially launched, heralding new era of trading with the introduction of the advanced AI driven token, Option2Trade O2T . This event has sparked considerable ...

Keywords: design, cryptocurrency, crypto, analytic, spark
Holz ist ein zunehmend gefragter Rohstoff, nicht zuletzt durch den Trend zu mehr Holzhusern. Die Aufbereitung von Altholz und die Entwicklung von recyclingfhigen Holzbauteilen gewinnen daher zunehmend an Bedeutung. Wir haben uns daher intensiv mit de...

Keywords: nft
Nexus AI The Worlds First AI Trading Bot Is Now Officially Available. 1 Apple has reportedly resumed talks with OpenAI to build chatbot for the iPhone. 2 Photo sharing community EyeEm will license users photos to train AI if they dont delete them. ...

Keywords: trading bot, chatbot, ai
Mit winzigen Partikeln, die knstlich in Wolken eingebracht werden, kann man die Niederschlagsmenge steigern. Die Wirkung wird aber oft vllig bertrieben dargestellt....

Keywords: knn
Obwohl die Firma bisher keine nennenswerten Erfolge erzielt hat, sammelt xAI momentan viel Geld von zahlungswilligen Investoren ein. Musk sagt seinem Unternehmen, dass sich mit der Entwicklung knstlicher Intelligenz beschftigt, eine goldene Zukunft v...

Keywords: nft
The objective of this paper is the construction of new indicators that can be useful to operate in the cryptocurrency market. These indicators are based on public data obtained from the blockchain network, specifically from the nodes that make up Bitcoin mining. Therefore, our analysis is unique to that network. The results obtained with numerical simulations of algorithmic trading and prediction via statistical models and Machine Learning demonstrate the importance of variables such as the hash...

Keywords: machine learning, algorithmic trading, statistic,
Stock trend forecasting is a fundamental task of quantitative investment where precise predictions of price trends are indispensable. As an online service, stock data continuously arrive over time. It is practical and efficient to incrementally update the forecast model with the latest data which may reveal some new patterns recurring in the future stock market. However, incremental learning for stock trend forecasting still remains under-explored due to the challenge of distribution shifts (a.k...

Keywords: test, quant, quantitative investment
In this work we present a detailed analysis on the performance of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism photo-emission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) as a tool for vector reconstruction of the magnetization. For this, we choose 360$^{\circ}$ domain wall ring structures which form in a synthetic antiferromagnet as our model to conduct the quantitative analysis. We assess how the quality of the results is affected depending on the number of projections that are involved in the reconstruction process,...

Keywords: quant, quantitative analysis, analysis

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