Internet of Things

IoT news and articles

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Keywords: machine learning, few-shot, optimization, scala
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies have revolutionized industrial processes, enabling smart automation, real-time data analytics, and improved operational efficiency across diverse industry sectors. IIoT testbeds play a critical role in advancing IIoT research and development (R&D) to provide controlled environments for technology evaluation before their real-world deployment. In this article, we conduct a comprehensive literature review on existing IIoT testbeds, aiming to identi...

Keywords: test, iot, internet of things,
IOTA is a distributed ledger technology that uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure called the Tangle. It is known for its efficiency and is widely used in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment. Tangle can be configured by utilizing the tip selection process. Due to performance issues with light nodes, full nodes are being asked to perform the tip selections of light nodes. However, in this paper, we demonstrate that tip selection can be exploited to compromise users' privacy. An adver...

Keywords: iot, internet of things, node
Paper Code Abstract Combining CNNs or ViTs, with RNNs for spatiotemporal forecasting, has yielded unparalleled results in predicting temporal and spatial dynamics. However, modeling extensive global information remains formidable challenge CNNs a...

Keywords: network, iot, lstm
Paper Code Abstract Combining CNNs or ViTs, with RNNs for spatiotemporal forecasting, has yielded unparalleled results in predicting temporal and spatial dynamics. However, modeling extensive global information remains formidable challenge CNNs a...

Keywords: network, iot, lstm
The Digital Industrial Revolution Is Here with IoT and Mobile App Integration In the ever evolving landscape of technology, the convergence of IoT and mobile app integration has ushered in new era known as the Digital Industrial Revolution. This tran...

Keywords: mobile app, mobile, iot
Today, more and more embedded devices are being connected through a network, generally Internet, offering users different services. This concept refers to Internet of Things (IoT), bringing information and control capabilities in many fields like medicine, smart homes, home security, etc. Main drawbacks of IoT environment are its dependency on Internet connectivity and need continuous devices power. These dependencies may affect system performances, namely request processing response times. In t...

Keywords: smart home, network, iot, security,
The integration of blockchain technology in Internet of Things (IoT) environments is a revolutionary step towards ensuring robust security and enhanced privacy. This paper delves into the unique challenges and solutions associated with securing blockchain-based IoT systems, with a specific focus on anonymous auditing to reinforce privacy and security. We propose a novel framework that combines the decentralized nature of blockchain with advanced security protocols tailored for IoT contexts. Cent...

Keywords: framework, blockchain, iot, security, internet
What are the optimal times for an Internet of Things (IoT) device to act as a blockchain miner? The aim is to minimize the energy consumed by low-power IoT devices that log their data into a secure (tamper-proof) distributed ledger. We formulate a multiple stopping time Bayesian sequential detection problem to address energy-efficient blockchain mining for IoT devices. The objective is to identify $L$ optimal stops for mining, thereby maximizing the probability of successfully adding a block to ...

Keywords: blockchain, iot, internet of things
In recent years, there has been a significant expansion in the Internet of Things (IoT), with a growing number of devices being connected to the internet. This has led to an increase in data collection and analysis as well as the development of new technologies and applications. The rise of IoT has also brought about new challenges, such as security concerns and energy efficiency. This study investigates a layered IoT architecture that combines fog and cloud computing, aiming to assess the impac...

Keywords: security, iot, analysis, cloud computing,
La compagnie de chauffage de l agglomration dploie grande chelle des capteurs IoT pour dtecter les fuites d eau dans son rseau de chaleur. Une application encore peu rpandue dans l IoT qui fait pourtant ses preuves....

Keywords: iot
lost my job last January and since then, Im trying to find remote job that allow me to work from home. attended online courses paid and free. But every application always received UNFORTUNATELY and REJECTION because they need an experienced VA. alway...

Keywords: course

Home Automation System | Today

What is the best way to consolidate all smart home devices onto one dashboard, while automating everything locally know this has been vetted out, but want to know the easiest cheapest most efficient route for doing this. submitted by u Many Cow2575...

Keywords: smart home
As far as can read online, it 39 s possible to use Cognito identities to authenticate my user for connecting to the IOT core. However, can only find examples with the AWS SDK. How can use this with regular mqtt libraries and or GUI viewers submitte...

Keywords: iot, aws
Hi all When was first developing my Iot device struggled with device provisioning. built out solution that works for me but Im wondering if should ditch it and go with jitp. If you already setup the following would you roll with it or make the chang...

Keywords: iot, mobile, test, mobile app

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